Saturday, December 25, 2004

Bored...during christmas?

Amazing, its the christmas weekend and I'm bored.

Sure I went completely unprepared to a nice christmas eve dinner, everyone was giving out presents except me! and to rub salt into the wound i got a pressie too! :(

Yesterday during christmas, i spent most of my time watching tv, golfing at the range and attended a wedding summons! Yes on christmas day, I went to a wedding dinner....cant remember if ever i went to one on this day. Interesting experience.

Today, plans seem to be pretty much low key, i am thinking of going to catch a movie, that stephen chow thingy kung fu hustle(d?), lets see if i can get tiks. Then dinner, all by my lonesome cos everyone seems tied up, maybe, need to dig the add book out...

So this is how I'd spend christmas this year.
Hmmmm....... :-

Well, it's a nice quiet Christmas, which is more than I can say for mine (dinners, interspersed with work from home, horror of horrors).
Interesting which is better a quiet christmas or a active one......depends on yr mood I guess :)
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