Thursday, October 20, 2005

Immensity and Warming

The ground squirrel's view of one of the mmost impressive natural wonders on earth. This is the Athabasca Glacier, it actually feeds off one of the biggest glacial domes on this planet, the Columbia Icefield. Been told Singapore might just just about fit into it..... only way to see the dome is by air so that'll have to wait for the next summer when its not so cold and safer to fly over it..cant wait! if u squint your eyes (and maybe use a big magnifier) might be able to make out the bus sized snow coaches on the glacier..... it's mite sized from here.

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.... Global warming is melting things waaaayyyy too fast

This marks where the glacier used to extend to in 1982, from here its about 300m to the toe of the glacier

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The glacier in the 1890's used to reach the top of that brown ridge in the foreground in thickness, its lost quite of a bit of thickness since..... btw thats Mt Athabasca in the background...

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Nice pics. Is it a natural phenomenon that the glacier 'used to' extend further than it does now?
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