Saturday, July 15, 2006

At last its over!

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I made it!!!

For the last 6 days or so, I've been locked up in my little dungeon, day and night, pouring over manuals, cd-roms, blogging (hic)...

Today its over! I cleared my papers and will start my on-job training on monday.

Now I get to have a life and start going out, exploring the city, GO GOLFING, go to the beach, hang up my hammock, meet people etc etc etc

Still more to come, but the toughest part is over.


Chup!!! oh my... your little BB... so cute... long time no see... I want to cuddle BB!!!
Way to Go, Flyboy! Have a good weekend!
for an experienced lad like u, what did they test for? technical stuff?
Congratulations! =D
Yay yay yayyy!!!
*muak muak*
*still waiting to get on the super duper Fast Car* ;)
*also waiting for liu to date me*
Nothing like freedom to do as your please :) Got to tell ya - BB is one handsome fella! L O V E HIM!
the bear bear so cute. wats her name? teddy or bear?
ooooh, congratulations, my dear karipap boy!! I'm so proud of ya! such an exhilirating feeling when it's all over and with good results, yea?

psssst... can BB come stay over some time? *teehee!*
Enjoy your

Poor BB... all alone in the new place... :-P
*BB gives Selba a hug*

Cocka Doodle,
yes! I'm going golfing!

See Fei,
banking stuff! legal stuff! compliance stuff! calculating mortgages stuff!, interest rates for what seemed like a million different products stuff!, loans stuff! cars stuff! ooops, no, that was another thingy...

tqtq :D


De Book Worm,
wait till you see his girlfriend...
she's on a plane somewhere, landing in Calgary soon I hope..

Its BB :P

tqtq...main thing is I finally qualify for the job! but phase 2 coming...
hehe I'll bring him back next time :P

Psssssstttt...BB's girlfriend coming soon....
gong xi gong xi! Ang pow please?
gong xi gong xi! Ang pow please?
wahhh... got twins..
finally... finally the day has arrived :P Congrats congrats..

The sotong game is on the way...
I just sent to your email :)
ok! now the difficult stuff out of the way, you can really settle down to some serious biz getting a gf heheheh....
Dear Lil' Joy triplets
my god gotta give 3 times? *pengsan*

TQ TQ TQ TQ ! *muaks*


See Fei,
LMAO.....wait lemme get my hamster first...
sorry, what did you say....? *too busy staring at cute little bear*. can i bring go home ah?
congrats on finally able to throw the books aside...

hope that it will be a smooth job for you...all the best!!!
oh, forget to add...

the bear is cute with the black outfit....the picture will turn out better if no flash was used!!

nooooooo BB is mine..............
ok ok maybe for a sleepover :p

errrr room was too dark ...
bring your cute BB back next time?


*today is this time, tmrw is next time?*
Congrats! Happy working!

Btw, BB looks like a toy that's pretty flexible.. can pose a lot! :P
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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