Sunday, July 16, 2006
Fun Time!

So the work over, it was time to have some fun!
Once a year, The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth come to Calgary. Its really a western rodeo with a funfair thrown in for measure. But I skipped the rodeo bit and went straight to the fun! Chair lifts, Slinghsots woo hoo...
As this is officially a Rodeo, cowdude hats are de rigeur, except for moi who's too cheapskate to ante up for one and relied on his tried and true ball cap.
There are lots of stall to play games usually with stuff toys for prizes and this is one lucky devil.
There are all sorts of street performances including an Illusion show but I was too busy laughing and enjoying to snap a pic of that.
On to the fun! this one serious ride, it starts out like the Viking rolling side to side before going all the way around, go thing I didn't take lunch. Not called the Fire Ball for nuthin'.
This is the only roller coaster, Crazy Mouse it looks deceptively simple, but it ain't! Not when you sit four abreast and over the side of the rails... lots of side G-forces.
And this was the most interesting ride for me. The Starship. It spins like a top. Inside you hug the sides of a slanting wall. As it goes faster and faster I think it build up to about 1.5 or 2 G......oohhhh more G-forces. Your head weights a ton, my neck ached, the arms could barely lift up and I'm pretty strong. You slide up the wall and stay there. Scientifically for me geek man, it was fun!
It was a damn hot day. I got sunburned. After all the rides, we quequed again...
To get doused and cool off!
Finally musn't forget this, instead of Western Bar Rooms we get this... :P
Great weekend in all!!
book worm, he where got see cowboys wan? He only checks out the cowgirls! *LOL*
now, why don't they have such things here in KL leh? wasted...
aiyoh, I forget. I was wishing for some cute cowboys mah! The man of course will check out pretty cowgirls only. LOL!!!
Sorry FF.
like the g-force thingy ride...
waahahhaaa still "young" mah :p
plenty of cute cowboys for ya...
yeah! disneyland in miniature..
come come next one July next year!
agar agar! need to go make some..
cowgirls! abuden?
See Fei
yeah its probably abt the size of orchard road...
the starship centrifuge is awesome.. but not if you got high blood pressure.
*vain burnt bunny poses*
Cocka Doodle
yup yup fun!!!!
Mother Superior
the kiddy bit pops up occassionally...
played very hard!
ouch haze!
It was fun! especially since you only get to do it once a year. No leh, I aiming for the big big toys but got a big big kosong...
Simple American,
Ya ya I had a barrel of buffalo wings and HUGE dogs...
darn work today was was stressful and boring at the same time.
LOL you neva see the cowgirl in one of the pics hor...
I was hoping to get teddy a pardnuh but dang.... i missed...lotsa times!
btw, i think one of the photo is tom-ba-lei with your description, the roller coaster and O.
yeah this is the biggest event in Calgary
no lah the words not tombalek, you reading tombalek....
sssshhh got self portrait, too shy to post here only ..
haha instead of quirrels right!
LOL I bet you are! enjoy your hols lah
You have a great weekend! Gosh, you're not working this weekend are you?
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