Wednesday, August 09, 2006


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A little white envelop greeted me when I got home today.

Its my new Visa card!!! Yippee.

Now you're probably wondering whats the fuss? As long you work, meet minimum income criteria can get one right?

Aitelyu, its a nightmare trying to get a credit card or any kind of credit here. You can earn $100,000 a year and still won't get a credit card. Since I'm new to the country, I have the credit history of a chipmunk. I.e. zero, natch, nada, kosong. I don't exist in the credit history world of North America. So after a year or working, making regular deposits and most importantly finally working for a bank, hoping to hell for staff priviledges, I finally got a card! Otherwise I'd have to plonk down a large sum of $$ to get a secured card which I'd been trying to avoid. But truth be told I wasn't expecting to get it though so...


Err... congratulations?

Yay! Spending! Skunks!
Gee... back here, banks are trying to convince you to take up one of their card with annual waiver fee somemore. We ought to be thankful.
watch out, world... karipap boy has plastic! wakakakaka! *psst... I want my christmas pressie soon... *
Oooh, you know what evil things can be done with plastic!!! Oooh!!! 1 Return Air Ticket to Kuala Lumpur, please..
Hmm, I'd have thought it would be easy peasy to get a card there. Congratulations, but do be careful how you swipe it, k?
yipee! u can finally buy me a nascar!!:P
*still thinking of wat i want*
Come back to Malaysia lar!!!

Here is soooo good. Where else in the world got pre-puberty salesman/girls come pester you to get a card in the mall?? They practically go down on their knees, begging you to have a card. LOL

Malaysia senang!
wah.. so hard ah to apply for CC over there? Here is as easy as ABC :P

*thinking what I want too*

psss.. my birthday is coming soon, in less than one month time.. so can i get my pressie? :P
You know, MAS has relaxed rules for young Singaporeans to own their own card. So now, all banks are hitting at the youth market. Wow, danger man.
dear plink,
Skunks r us!!!

dear Hijackqueen,
welcome to my blog!

dear may,
*makes out chistmas list*

dear L B.
*adds to christmas list*

dear Marita Paige,
*hides card deep in wallet so hard to use*

dear Winn,
*adds another to christmas list*

dear angel,
*kiv on christmas list*

dear Helen,
pre-puberty sales girls get down on their knees for you??????
*quickly goes check airticket prices*

dear Chen,
*kiv another on birthday list*
pssssssttt email me yr addy...

dear Mother Superior,
here you MUST be over 18 to get a card....
Wah..your Christmas list getting to be very long...*big grin*...hint, birthday comes before Christmas...but my wish is for something free from Mother Nature... move already no more squirrels but got skunks??
kat: Got so many, heFF even throws them away. Look at the one he threw at me!

wah, congratulations!!! They sure make it difficult for one to get a card over there. Over here, the card marketing people will harrass, beg and chase after you in supermarkets and shopping malls, to sign up for whatever credit card they are promoting!
'credit history of a chipmunk'...i like that. the sound of it tickles me. hehe. ahhhh, now i know why you chose to change your job :-)
dear SA,
change your name, addy, phone no. and try to get a card...

dear kat,
*adds kat to chrissy list*
*throws snow in kats direction*

dear plink,
please dun kill the skunk dearie, they can be very lovable critters...

dear De Book Worm,
its only difficult if you are new to the country cos you have no history but once established look at SA, LOL

dear me,
hehe, now u know why... ;)
alamak... getting a cc in calgary like 20 yr ago in sg. the banks were very very kiasu and kiasi then.

now, i got one (and a $50 voucher) when i renew my cell phone contract with singtel last month.
so now we can go shopping yah? :) what's the limit?
so, i'm going to get a birthday pressie? betul ah?
dear See Fei,
canadian banking system damn kiasi
but then ppl here can be very chow kuan....

dear Erika,
sssshhh not so loud, meet me at the back door...

dear Chen.
canadian pressie! lemme go see see..
I LOVE my skunk. Thank you!

I can relate. All the while I have been a supplementary card holder. For the first time, getting my very first credit card was so orgasmic! But use it smart k? Watch out for my next entry in my blog ya? ;)
be careful and spend this "invisble money" or rather "future money" wisely!!
dear plink,

dear Lil' Joy,
it was more like releasing all that pent up poop on the loo...aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *happy face*

dear Leonard,
no worries! the credit limit IS suitable for a chipmunk...
completely opposite over here. you can't turn a corner at any shopping mall, without bumping into all these credit card promoters.
Congrats man! Now wait a few more weeks and you'll get more apps in the mail instantly qualifying you.
dear King's wife,
it is slowwwwwwlllyy starting...

dear Irene,
that is what I fear now! LOL
Be careful not to chalk up too much on your credit card bills :)

That's how a lot of people in Singapore get bankrupt. By drowning in credit card debts :)
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