Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pushing hard, counter steering when the corner tigthens. I feather the throttle in the middle of the turn, balancing the bike on the throttle. Roll on, roll off in millimetric movements. I lean the bike as far as I can, my knee is brushing the pavement. I can feel the side of my boots coming in contact with the ground, the sanding, bump, bump, I feel. Past the apex, I straighten up the bike, roll on the throttle, my left foot flicking up through the gears, I'm not even shifting the clutch, I feel the surging power propel the bike forward. The numbers on the speedometer flashes through the dial.
Faster than you can blink, I'm up to 160kmh. The next corner is coming up, I place the bike on the best line for the corner. My estimated braking point is here, two fingers on the lever, right toe modulating the rear brakes, I'm braking hard, dropping down the gears to 2nd, declutch, flick the gear lever, blipping through the down changes. It is a tight left hander. Instinctively, I've already started to lean the bike over, my fingers are still on the brakes and easing off. I can feel myself shifting my weight to countersteer the bike even more. My whole body is working as one.It feels so surreal.
The bike and I have merged. It's become me and I it. My hands and feet are all busy tap dancing with the controls. I'm fully focused on making out the cornering line. My hands and feet are on automatic, matching my thoughts on where to place the bike with precision. I aim for a spot 3 inches off the centreline for my apex of the corner. I hit it dead on, fully leaned over. Mid corner I glance at the mirror, I see the road's reflection. All I see is the road rushing pass in the mirror inches away. It's hypnotizing. Life's reflection, it rushes on by.
I'm straigthening up the bike. There is a long straight in front, I open up the throttle.

I'm feeling alive.
I miss motorcycling.
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Winn, the skunks are smarter ;)
Marita Paige,
the tank is for running over SUVs..
plink, *waving hands on bike*
me, aint life fun?
Anon, OMG spammed!
Robin, but you can't lean a car over...besides a car is a metal coffin too..
Cocka Doodle, use the torque to wheelie ah..
Marita Paige,
the tank is for running over SUVs..
plink, *waving hands on bike*
me, aint life fun?
Anon, OMG spammed!
Robin, but you can't lean a car over...besides a car is a metal coffin too..
Cocka Doodle, use the torque to wheelie ah..
So you don't want to get a car liao ah? Don't need to get those motorcycle lah.. just get those cheap scooters Honda is selling.. I saw one at 1800 USD.. :P Though I doubt u can go 160kmh..
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