Thursday, June 15, 2006

WoooOOOHHH nice!
RPM by Les Mills is a very, very, very the cool version of Spinning indoor cycling classes. I had done the instructor’s course some moons ago, but as I was so damn busy doing personal training

A standard gym bike, sigh, is not very controllable, designed for people with probable back problems,

Wah liao… I haven’t done a cycle like this for almost 1.5 years. God… was hard, sweated loads, the yucky bike didn’t help either….
Damn shiok! Saturday, I go again….
P/S: when I did the 3 day instructor’s course, I dropped 5kg, that’s how good it is…
Specially for Erika
The Eu Yang Sang version, similar to Malaysian/Cantonese style of BKT

This one also, personally I liked this one better.

If you prefer the Teochew version, which is not so dark and more peppery this is the one.

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Faints ~ Pengsan ~ Sakit Kepala ~ Vomit Blood... LOL.. OMG..
But I have the Eu Yang Sang packets too! In fact, I only have them.. Hmm, maybe more bakuteh this weekend!! Use up the last of my TungKus, before plink gets them..
But I have the Eu Yang Sang packets too! In fact, I only have them.. Hmm, maybe more bakuteh this weekend!! Use up the last of my TungKus, before plink gets them..
3 day instructor’s course, you dropped 5kg? Whoaaaa.... how nice.... I need it!!! Have been gaining 2,5 kgs during my trip *sob sob sob*
Dropped 5 kg within 3 days? wow.. that's indeed a great achievement :)
Never tried the Teochew BKT yet.
Never tried the Teochew BKT yet.
thanks for the pics! I'm going to search around if they have it in the oriental store down here.. since I am teochew, I might like the last one better.. but I'll give the others a try. :) Will keep u updated!
5 kg? I need to have the motivation to do that.. :S
5 kg? I need to have the motivation to do that.. :S
wow... 3days 5kg?? I STILL have not attended any RPM classes @ the gym... ei, i waiting for u to train me personally, ok... faster faster! :P
FF!...morning mor-morning!!
dont u think klang shld come up with their own packet BKT too?
so u makan BKT straigh away after RPM?
wat does RPM means?
dont u think klang shld come up with their own packet BKT too?
so u makan BKT straigh away after RPM?
wat does RPM means?
L B.
*rubs some anchor brand foong yau under albie's nose*
*take out IV blood Gold needled kit to reinflate the HugHug Club Chairman, too flat after vomitting blood*
BKT! BKT! BKT! BKT! go go go
when u cycle for about 5 hours a day, go through 3 changes of clothes each day...sure Silvery like-lighter :P
Got plenty, but in my rush and Brozned absendmindeness, I forgot to buy until the very last day!! so only had these 3...
Errr, Teochew style with Tengku not so nice.. Cantonese style better
S A,
go go go go go go go go go go go
join join join join join join join
gym gym gym gym gym gym gym gym
Also partly too tired to eat much :\
hehe anytime!
Motivation is can eat more types of foods!
Eh????? how can???
quickly go join a class and make sure you done play cheat with the resistance.
ya hor klang should their own eh?
Haha I makan BKT BEFORE RPM.....
Revolutions Per Minute....
*rubs some anchor brand foong yau under albie's nose*
*take out IV blood Gold needled kit to reinflate the HugHug Club Chairman, too flat after vomitting blood*
BKT! BKT! BKT! BKT! go go go
when u cycle for about 5 hours a day, go through 3 changes of clothes each day...sure Silvery like-lighter :P
Got plenty, but in my rush and Brozned absendmindeness, I forgot to buy until the very last day!! so only had these 3...
Errr, Teochew style with Tengku not so nice.. Cantonese style better
S A,
go go go go go go go go go go go
join join join join join join join
gym gym gym gym gym gym gym gym
Also partly too tired to eat much :\
hehe anytime!
Motivation is can eat more types of foods!
Eh????? how can???
quickly go join a class and make sure you done play cheat with the resistance.
ya hor klang should their own eh?
Haha I makan BKT BEFORE RPM.....
Revolutions Per Minute....
apa la lu. ppl morning u evening:p
can u imagine the lovely sunshine here? as i m typing this i m looking at my balcony....
it's a sunny day!!
i shld go back to sleep
coz its a sunnyday:)
coz i m a vampire???
wats ur blood type? i only sux certain type of blood:p haha
dun pengsan lahhh!!
can u imagine the lovely sunshine here? as i m typing this i m looking at my balcony....
it's a sunny day!!
i shld go back to sleep
coz its a sunnyday:)
coz i m a vampire???
wats ur blood type? i only sux certain type of blood:p haha
dun pengsan lahhh!!
Good evening!!!
Its dark, dank and and and....dark! as I'm typing this.... :P
aiyoh, the "fun" of a 14 hr time difference with boleh/kiasuland LOL
wahhh if u vampire, u shud be here now, very the dark.... my blood type is sweet, mozzie like!
Good evening!!!
Its dark, dank and and and....dark! as I'm typing this.... :P
aiyoh, the "fun" of a 14 hr time difference with boleh/kiasuland LOL
wahhh if u vampire, u shud be here now, very the dark.... my blood type is sweet, mozzie like!
Good evening!!!
Its dark, dank and and and....dark! as I'm typing this.... :P
aiyoh, the "fun" of a 14 hr time difference with boleh/kiasuland LOL
wahhh if u vampire, u shud be here now, very the dark.... my blood type is sweet, mozzie like!
Good evening!!!
Its dark, dank and and and....dark! as I'm typing this.... :P
aiyoh, the "fun" of a 14 hr time difference with boleh/kiasuland LOL
wahhh if u vampire, u shud be here now, very the dark.... my blood type is sweet, mozzie like!
FF, I shall tell Winn what blood type you are - mozzies tend to go for the 'O' type...cuz I'm an 'O' too. Do all the 'O' types on here agree??? ;)
BTW, you'll be pleased to know:
I am starting gym work next week - in the comforts of my own staff gym which is fully equipped. Seeing how hard you are working out is kinda 'pushing' me to get my butt off to do something about getting toned myself...kekeke
BTW, you'll be pleased to know:
I am starting gym work next week - in the comforts of my own staff gym which is fully equipped. Seeing how hard you are working out is kinda 'pushing' me to get my butt off to do something about getting toned myself...kekeke
Message from May in Beijing:
may [19:14:12]: I've not been on my bike for the longest time too. Procrastinating! Also 'cos timing doesn't seem right these days, too many happenings at once. Eh, don't just show us the BKT packets, show us the B-K-T!!
may [19:14:12]: I've not been on my bike for the longest time too. Procrastinating! Also 'cos timing doesn't seem right these days, too many happenings at once. Eh, don't just show us the BKT packets, show us the B-K-T!!
Hoppily Happy,
Issit? they go for O type wan meh? wah interesting...
Woohooo any new gym starter, am I starting a trend here?
Cocka Doodle,
1st train than eat!!! never fails :p
L B,
wah...all the way from Beijing!!!
albie, show her previous post!!!
Wahh wahh wahh!!!!!
*lagi excited, go see see*
Issit? they go for O type wan meh? wah interesting...
Woohooo any new gym starter, am I starting a trend here?
Cocka Doodle,
1st train than eat!!! never fails :p
L B,
wah...all the way from Beijing!!!
albie, show her previous post!!!
Wahh wahh wahh!!!!!
*lagi excited, go see see*
next bloggers meeting in sg no need to go out liao...can eat your cooking at your apt in east coast!! hopefully by then u r alridi a sifu in bkt!!
can go jalan jalan at the seaside afterward somemore..wat sieh!!
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can go jalan jalan at the seaside afterward somemore..wat sieh!!
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